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September 29

Natl. Coffee Day

National Coffee Day

September 28

Natl. Good Neighbor Day

National Good Neighbor Day

Saturday of the Third Full Week of September

Natl. Singles Day

National Singles Day

September 19

Intl. Talk Like a Pirate Day B

Talk Like a Pirate Day

September 19

Intl. Talk Like a Pirate Day A

Talk Like a Pirate Day

September 18

Natl. Cheeseburger Day

National Cheeseburger Day

September 16

Natl. Guacamole Day

Guacamole Day

September 12

Natl. Video Games Day

National Video Games Day

September 7

Natl. Beer Lovers Day

National Beer Lovers Day

September 6

Natl. Read a Book Day

National Read a Book Day

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